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A-Plus Is Fake...says Ibrah

Ibrah is back again after going silent for some days. The last update we had from him was when he was seen firing gunshots in his room to sort of warn some evil spirits that were after him. He also mentioned several names of people like Becca, Nana Appiah Mensah, Yvonne Nelson, Davido, Tekno and several others but his English was so bad so we couldn’t really get what he was trying to communicate.
Now Ibrah is back again and has accused the Ghana police of being unable to investigate a rape he reported but find interest in chasing a ‘fraudulent’debt.
That’s not all, Ibrah also called A Plus, the NPP sympathizer FAKE and disclosed that, he run to him for help but couldn’t get any as all A Plus was interested in was the money he could get from him. Ibah didn’t state specifically what he wanted, so it’s hard to say anything.
See that screenshot below:

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