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Easy ways to make money quickly as a student.

Some university students from challenging backgrounds always find themselves strapped for cash. Why take student loan when you can earn cash for yourself and still finish school with good grades.

Chances are you have some spare time to earn money in between managing classes and a social life.

READ ALSO:  4 reasons why you should study online
  • Buy and sell

Buy goods at cheaper prices from wholesalers, upload them on your social media platforms and make an income a daily. Send the links to the products to friends and family to share on their pages to create awareness and boost sales.
You can start with free delivery; ie use the public transport to deliver the goods to your clients after classes or during your off days.

  • Become a designer (Web, graphics, and Animator)

Ghanaians are gradually embracing art as part of their lives. Whether you are a web, graphics or animator, your portfolio will give you a lifetime clientele.
While there is a strong demand for website design, it’s also possible to earn a tidy income by designing eBook covers, t-shirts, business cards, wall art, personalized gifts, and product packaging.
  • Freelance writer

You can be a columnist for a new paper or content provider for a media house. Be creative with your articles, explore campus-based issues and interview your colleagues about their love life. You don’t have to be the next Shakespeare or Stephen King to make money writing.

  • Makeup artist

The mad rush for face beat has made it a lucrative business and the good news is that it isn’t time-consuming. You can even decide to do it on the weekends or after class and study and have an active social life.

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